Brand Abbreviations
*Please note there may be more than one company using the same abbreviation. A good tip is to search under the name your abbreviation aligns with to see if they have like product before identifying your jewelry as such.*
A by JH: Angela by John Hardy
ABS: Allen Schwartz
AC: Angela Cummings
ACB: Annie Costello Brown
ADI: Amsterdam Diamond
AE: Art's Elegance
AFJC: Ambras Fine Jewelry Corp
AG: Asch Grossbardt
AGE: Anna Greta Eker
AJC: Alan Craxford
AJC: Alfred James Cheshire
AJC: American Jewelry Chain
AJD: Aria Jewelry Design
AJH: Anne Jane Harvey
AKR: Amy Kahn Russell
ALE: Pandora
ARR: Arpus Jewelry Company
ART: Arthur Pepper
AS: Avi Soffer
AV: Alwand Vahan
B: Bertolucci
BA: Suarti
BAB & CO: Ballou & Co
BB: Balenciaga
BB: Bourbon & Bowties
BB & B: Bailey Banks & Biddle
BBJ: Bangkok Ratnara J
BGE: Bradford Gold Exchange
BJ: Betsey Johnson
BJC: Samuel Benham
BMCo: Breadner Manufacturing Co
BMW: Barbara Westwood
BPD: Betsy Pittard Designs
BS & F: Black Starr & Frost
BSD: Bob Siemon Designs
BUJT: Bentelli
CAI: Cool & Interesting
CB: Carl Bucherer
CC: Carrera & Carrera
CFJ: Collins Fine Jewelry
CIJ: Chintamani Immitation Jewellers
CJ: Charles Jewelers
CJC: Criterion Jewelry Casting
CJI: Andrea Candela
COP: Castings on Parade
CS: Carol Silvera
CW: Charles Winston
DB: Dolan & Bullock
DBJ: Dee Berkley Jewelry
DCE: Curtis Jewelry Manufacturing Co
DET: David Trabich
DFA: Dubarry Fifth Avenue
DFBC: DF Briggs Co
DFS: David Friedman & Sons
DHT: Dinah Hoyt Taylor
DJB: Deborah J Birdoes
DJC: Divine Jewelry Concept
DL: Don Lucas
DOM: Dominque Cohen
DP: Doug Paulus
DQ: Diomanique
DS Co: Daniel Swarovski
DV: Dawn Vertrees Jewelry Designs
DY: David Yurman
DZ: Dazzlers
EHP: E.H. Parkin & Co
ESPO: Joseph Esposito
EW: Erica Weiner
FAW: F.A. Welch
FD: F.D. Worldwide
FD: Felicia Design
FDJ: Flora Danica Jewelry
FF: Fendi
FIC: Frankl Trading Corp
FJ: Farsi Jewelry
F.M.CO: Finberg Manufacturing Co
FS: Franz Scheuerle
FZN: Fuzion Creations International
GB: Great Beauty
GC: Godfrey Carter
GFI: Gold Force International
GFMW: Great Falls Metalworks
GJ: Georg Jensen
GJD: Ginnie Johansen Danson
GL: George Lederman
GND: Gold N Diamonds
GSJ: Gold Stone Jewelry Corp
H: Hublot
HB: Hammerman Brothers
HCT: Harcourt Canada
HDK: Hans D Krieger
HDS: Helzberg Diamonds
HG: Hagit Gorali
H&H: Hand & Hammer
HJ: Herff Jones
HMI: Holsted Jewelers
HN: Heng Ngai
HOF: Hearts On Fire
HSB: Harry S Bick
HT & NY: H & T Goldman
HW: Harry Winston
IBB: International Bullion & Metal Brokers
IC: James Craig
IPS: Imperial Pearl Syndicate
IWI: Imperial
JBB: Joshua Benbassat
JBK: Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy
JC: Joseph Cleary
JCD: Jayne Cairns Designs
JCM: Jacmel
JD: Justin Davis
JF: Jean Francios
JFS: Zales
JH: John Hardy
JJ: Jonette Jewelry
JJT: JJ Creation Inc.
JK: Jaunty King
JLI: Joseph Levine
JL: Jessica Lee Designs
JLS: J. Lewis Small
JMM: John M. Mercer
JP: Jane Popovich
JS: Jessica Simpson
JTC: Zales
JTW: Jerrid Thelman & Whytte
JW: Josiah Wedgwood
JX: Jewelex
JZJ: Jennifer Zeuner Jewelry
KBN: Kabana
KH: Kit Heath
KHC: Khecheong Canton
KJL: Kenneth Jay Lane
KLM: Kathy Lynn Mayeda
KMP: Kemp Metal Products
KPJ: KP Sanghvi & Sons
KRN: Kiran Jewels
KYJ: King Yu Jewelry
LG: George Lederman
LGA: Lauren G Adams
LHC: Lonely Hearts Club
LLC: Lisa Lee Creations
LSP.CO: L.S. Peterson Co
LT: Linda Tahija
MA: Michael Anthony
MFA: Boston Museum of Fine Arts
MJI: Marilena Jewellery Import
MMA: Metropolitan Museum of Art
NGA: Natinal Gallery of Art
NH: Michael Valitutti
NYE: Stuart Nye
NVC: Nataliya V Collister
OB: Ostby Barton
OPC: Old Palm Cove
PAJ: Prime Art & Jewel
PB: Peyote Bird
PBD: Peter Brams
PD: Premier Designs
PJ: Peter James
PJM: Phoenix Jewelry Mfg / Suzanne Somers
PPC: Pat Cheney
PPC: Princess Pride Creations
PR.ST.CO: Providence Stock Co
PSCL: Peter Stone
PSCO: Plainville Stock Co
PSL: Parkin Silversmiths Ltd.
PZ: Paz Creations
QGI: Quality Gold Inc
QT: Quoc Turquoise
RFG: Rhonda Faber Green
RJ: R.J. Graziano
RLM: Robert Lee Morris
RMN: Roman
RNS: Roger Nichols Studio
RS: Ross Simons
RSE: Robert Seemann
SAI: Sai Krishna
SAL: Swarovski America Ltd
SAK: Sarkis Kitsinian Jewelers
SG: SeidenGang
SJC: Sundancer Jewelry Co
SJD: Samara Jewelry Designs
SK: Scott Kay
SLC: Tori Hill
SMJ: Silver Mountain Jewelry
SS: Susan Shaw
SSD: Simon Sebbag Designs
SU: Sunstone Imports
SW: Diamonique
SX: Silver Express International
T & Co: Tiffany & Co
T & Co C: Angela Cummings For Tiffany & Co
TGGC: The Genuine Gemstone Company
TJC: Television Jewelry Channel (British)
TK: Thomas Kinkade
UTC: Ultimate Trading Corporation
VB: Victoria Beckham
VCA: Van Cleef & Arpels
VD: Van Dell
WK: Whitney Kelly
WL & Co: Walter Lampl
WMCO: Wheeler Manufacturing
WP: Waxing Poetic
WRE: W.E. Richards Co
ZRW: JewelAmerica, Inc
ZW: F.D. Worldwide