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Birthstone Information

January - Historic: 15th - 20th Century: Garnet

January - Great Britain: Garnet

January - United States: Garnet


February - Historic: 15th - 20th Century: Amethyst

February - Great Britain: Amethyst

February - United States: Amethyst


March - Historic: 15th - 20th Century: Bloodstone, Jasper

March - Great Britain: Aquamarine, Bloodstone

March - United States: Aquamarine, Bloodstone


April - Historic: 15th - 20th Century: Diamond, Sapphire

April - Great Britain: Diamond, Rock Crystal

April - United States: Diamond


May - Historic: 15th - 20th Century: Emerald, Agate

May - Great Britain: Emerald, Chrysoprase

May - United States: Emerald


June - Historic: 15th - 20th Century: Agate, Cat's Eye, Turquoise

June - Great Britain: Moonstone, Pearl

June - United States: Moonstone, Pearl, Alexandrite


July - Historic: 15th - 20th Century: Onyx, Turquoise

July - Great Britain: Carnelian, Ruby

July - United States: Ruby


August - Historic: 15th - 20th Century: Carnelian, Moonstone, Sardonyx, Topaz

August - Great Britain: Peridot, Sardonyx

August - United States: Peridot, Sardonyx, Spinel


September - Historic: 15th - 20th Century: Chrysolite

September - Great Britain: Lapis Lazuli, Sapphire

September - United States: Sapphire


October - Historic: 15th - 20th Century: Aquamarine, Opal

October - Great Britain: Opal

October - United States: Opal, Tourmaline


November - Historic: 15th - 20th Century: Pearl, Topaz

November - Great Britain: Citrine, Topaz

November - United States: Citrine, Topaz


December - Historic: 15th - 20th Century: Bloodstone, Ruby

December - Great Britain: Tanzanite, Turquoise

December - United States: Turquoise, Lapis Lazuli, Tanzanite, Zircon

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